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Australian researchers have found a way to predict the risk of liver cancer in people with chronic hepatitis B, promising earlier diagnosis, better management and potentially better prevention of hepatitis B- related liver cancer.

Hepatitis Australia has welcomed the support for an immediate increase in funding to help achieve the National Strategy targets.

National Blood Borne Viruses (BBV) and Sexually Transmissible Infections (STI) Strategies for 2018-22 have been released by the Department of Health.

A generous gift from local doctor, Lee Wah Hin, and donations from other Chinese community members have made it possible for an important hepatitis B service to continue for another year.

Members of South Australia's African communities came together to create this short, sharp educational video for their people.

If you don't cook, how much control can you have over the amount of salt you eat?

The Missing Millions, Hepatitis C Mortality Rates Drop, Heart Health, Treating Hep C in India, Improving Treatment Uptake, New Liver Cancer Markers, and more...

Hepatitis Australia has joined the call for a further 12-month extension for Australians to opt out of My Health Record.

In a statement released today, Hepatitis Australia said that given the final form of the My Health Record system will not receive parliamentary backing before the scheduled end of the opt out period on 15 November 2018, Hepatitis Australia fully supports moves to amend the legislation extending the opt out period by 12 months.

Australian hepatitis organisations are concerned that many people affected by hepatitis B and hepatitis C may not know about the new electronic medical record system which will be created by the Australian Government for all Medicare Card holders unless they choose to opt out.

The Gastroenterological Society of Australia has published a September 2018 update of the hepatitis C virus infection consensus statement.

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